Arch. Victor Castro,
Senior Architect

Arquitecto egresado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (más de 10 años de ejercicio laboral). Especializado en interiorismo (Chavón Escuela De Diseño) y visualización digital (SDQ Training Center).

Se caracteriza por un gran cuidado de los detalles, un trato personalizado a los clientes y su vocación hacia el diseño y el paisajismo.

Ing. Pedro Domínguez,
General Manager

Committed and dedicated worker, with a proactive attitude towards his responsibilities, reliable and with high quality standards in his work. The main characteristic of him is the critical eye on details.

Estefany Bretón,
Diseñadora y decoradora

Diseñadora y decoradora de interiores graduada en 2014, con experiencia en montaje y decoración de eventos. Además, es CEO de una floristería, destacándose en la gestión administrativa y recursos humanos, así como en la confección de arreglos florales y detalles.

A partir de 2022, comparte sus conocimientos mediante cursos y talleres. Destacada por su pasión, creatividad, proactividad y dedicación, con experiencia en ventas y servicio al cliente.
Ing. Fernando Santos,

Fernando born and raised in the beautiful and emblematic city of Santiago de los Caballeros. He completed his university studies at the Technological University of Santiago (UTESA) obtaining in 2015 the title of Civil Engineer.

Since 2014 he has been exercising his career in both public and private institutions. In the year 2020 she decides to form an alliance to create Santos Dominguez Constructora SRL, dedicating herself to the remodeling of spaces, architectural designs and residential constructions.

He is characterized by being a responsible, upright, committed person with an excellent work ethic. He always willing to learn and improve in aspects of his career.

About Us

¡Nos encanta construir hogares únicos para ti! Nuestro equipo trabaja para entender tus necesidades y deseos y crear el proyecto perfecto que siempre has soñado.

With years of experience and an expert staff, we are committed to excellence in every detail of your project. Let us be your trusted team.

Do you have a project?

Ponte en contacto directo con nosotros a través del +1 (809) 7104444 y proporciónanos los detalles.

Or click on the button and send us a message with everything related to your project to be able to provide you with a quote.

sobre nosotros - Fernando

En Santos Domínguez Constructora, entendemos que tu hogar es más que solo una casa, es el lugar donde creas recuerdos y vives momentos inolvidables con tu familia y seres queridos.

That's why we work hard to understand your needs and desires, to create the perfect home for you.

Our team of experts has years of experience in building unique and personalized spaces for our clients.


We are proud to say that we are a Construction company at Santiago de los Caballeros, RD committed to excellence in every detail of every project.

We understand how important it is for you to have a space that reflects your lifestyle and personality, and we make sure that every aspect of your project is attended to with the utmost attention to detail.


We not only build buildings, we build unique and special homes for each of our clients. Let us be part of your project and make your dreams come true.